The Blind Side

Thursday, January 28, 2016

No I am not talking about the movie!

Pardon my Absence

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sorry for my absence. No I wasn't dead and gone. No I wasn't planning to take over the world. Let's just say I was hibernating. Now that I am fully awake. I can put my hands back on deck. 

A lot has changed since then, though I still got the same job but I felt like I have the same old brand new me. Sounds confusing right? But you see, in between that confusing statement, I found me. Lost, drowned but still breathing. 

Let's forget about everything in the past and start anew. Play if you have to play. Run if you have to run but just don't quit. Let's all be a game changer. You know the one who changed the game not the one who sits on the bench and let the game thaw out. 

Day Dreaming

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lately I've been day dreaming a lot about snow.

Hacks to Improve Yourself

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hacks To Improve Yourself

1. Start reading a book. It will take you places.
2. Be confident. If you're not, fake it. It will come.
3. Brush your teeth first before putting your clothes on.
4. Sing in the shower. It helps make things better.
5. Never ever take a nude photo. It will haunt you.
6. Never change yourself for someone, unless that someone is you.
7. Always go out in public like you are about to meet the love of your life.
8. Do things that needs to be done without complaining. Complaining doesn't make things easy.
9. The one who gets angry first loses no matter the circumstance.
10. Ask more than you answer. People loves go talk about themselves.
11. Learn a new language. 
12. Stop watching tv. It doesn't help.

ARKO New Place to be

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Located at Ibabo Taytayan Hills Bogo City