I made it

Friday, February 20, 2009

This is one of those post that you might find corny and unnecessary. Feel free to close this window, I won't mind.

Today I just received the ticket to a better tomorrow. I'm now a Registered Nurse. It's a bittersweet victory I must say. Knowing that some of my friends never made it. I couldn't just rejoice at the top of my lungs.

This is for the people who have helped me along the way.

To My Parents for their undying love and Support.
To our Dean and to the Faculty, You Taught us Well..
To Miss Daryl T. Aramil, Mr. Giovanni Verano, Miss Hanna B. Pilario and Miss Abegail Uy, Teching me what I refused to learn.
To Reinaflor "anday" Jusay for visiting me while I was on rehab.
To Ernest Roan "lil xylem" Dalag, for the late night txts when I can't sleep because of anxiety.
To Keisha Najarro, Roldan Conde, Wynonna Salazar for pushing me up when I was so down.
To My Rehab Roommates, Pinky, Gergen, Lorelyn, Cyril "maretes", and Jane "dayang", Rehab wont be the same without you. Those were memories that lasts a lifetime.
To the People who believed in me, Thank you.
To the People who never believed in me, Hey Look where I am Now.
