Gone Gaga

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Have you gone gaga over Lady Gaga? Well I have.. She got me dancing with her JUST DANCE ANTHEM and try to read her POKER FACE.
But I think PAPARAZZI is her best song.

Just click here to go to her site

Happy Mothers Day Majesty

Saturday, May 09, 2009

To the one woman that you'll always have. The only girl in your life that will stand by you through everything. As long as you're with her, you know that everything will be alright.
The only one who will dodge all the bullets just for you to live.

Tomorrow, we will celebrate that special day for her.
Whatever you call her, mama, inay, mommy, mother, make her feel special and that she is appreciated.

To my MAJESTY. Happy MOTHER'S DAY.. I will always love you!

I Should Move on

These past few days I was so lost and was living in an alternate reality. I admit I've fallen In love with the Idea that I was in love. Got crazy and gone gaga over a guy who is seemingly truthful and gentle and almost unreal. At first, I thought that I was dreaming. I am dreaming wide awake. Misunderstanding everything that he does. Thinking everything was for me and putting colors to almost everything. (i am crazy i admit)

A man is for a woman and a woman is for a man.

I was taken aback by this idea. This made me realize that I had to go back to reality and I couldn't take him with me. I still love him but I get myself away from him just to save that little amount of sanity left inside my head. This is very far and out from the person that I was then. Letting go is never easy for me and to start all over again is the only option I have.

I wanna be wild and carefree like I used to.

The Sweetest Song Ever

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The sweetest song I've ever heard... Superman by Brown Boy...

Loving Secretly

Monday, May 04, 2009

This is really annoying but hey this is the state I am currently on. This is like suicide, waiting for someone to love you back. Craving for his attention and time. Allowing him to swoop you off your feet by just doing nothing.

Pathetic, maybe but you can't just teach your heart to stop beating for that person. My heart had a mind on its on. You can't just control it to like someone else.

I don't even understand myself why I took this road. All I know is when he's near I feel butterflies on my stomach and I see the birds and the bees.

This topic closes this way..